574-935-1712   9638 Union Road   Plymouth, Indiana 




Do Something Good for Yourself–Become a MoonTree Volunteer!

We would like to invite you to be a MoonTree volunteer. WHY? Because our volunteers do lots of the little things, seemingly inconsequential things, but things that are so important to making the big things happen successfully.

This is our mission: MoonTree Community, a ministry of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, challenges people to experience mindfulness as they fearlessly explore the interconnectedness of Art, Nature, and the Spirit within. MoonTree’s success depends on a diverse community—Artists, Organizers, Docents, Dreamers, Spinners, Potters, Painters, Weavers, Carpenters, Gardeners, Musicians, and Dancers. Whatever your talent, consider contributing to the fearless, creative community known as MoonTree.

When can you volunteer?

Please check any or all that interest you:

Docent—welcome, inform visitors, and show them around the gallery and studios.
Presenting or hosting some aspect of a special event or experience.
Preparing materials and supplies or food for an event.
Caring for the grounds; pulling weeds, planting and watering, sweeping walkways.
Assist the facilitators in studios and workshop—with supplies, keeping the work area clean and orderly.
Helper to MoonTree Director and Staff—running errands, making copies, or answering the phone.
Join one of our committees as we plan events and experiences that speak to our mission.
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