574-935-1712   9638 Union Road   Plymouth, Indiana 



Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I find out what “classes” are going on at MoonTree Studios?

A: At MoonTree Studios, we offer experiences and intensives. You will be working with an experienced facilitator-artist to bring forth your own creativity as you discover or deepen your understanding of the processes needed to work with the specific art materials. MoonTree experiences are listed by Studio under the “Studios” tab and by art media or type under the “Experiences” tab. You will see the experiences in calendar order, with the “register by” date clearly marked.

Q: How can I sign up for an experience?

A: MoonTree Studios website is a “shopping cart” format. Click on an art experience you are interested in to open up a full explanation. If you’d like to register, click “add to bag” shown at the right, then proceed to checkout and complete registration or continue shopping.

Q: Who are the teachers at MoonTree Studios?

A: MoonTree Studios invites experienced artists (facilitators) in a variety of disciplines and media to come and share their understanding of the materials and processes with others (participants) who would like to express their own creativity in that media. At MoonTree Studios, we understand that participants are drawn to explore and learn more about the art materials and processes so that they may express their own creativity.

Q. I am an artist and I would like to show others the process to do what I do…could I become a MoonTree Studios Facilitator?

A. MoonTree Studio’s mission is to challenge people to mindfully and fearlessly explore the interconnectedness of art, nature and the Spirit within. If you feel called to facilitate others, we’d like to talk to you. Contact us through this website, call (574) 935-1712 or email

Q. Can I pay for my experience when I get to the class?

A. We urge you to register for experiences by the “please register by date,” and pay upon registration. If it’s past the “register by” date, please call us at (574) 935-1712 to determine if there will be room for you in the experience.

Q. Do you accept credit card payment?

A. Yes, we do! You can use the secure shopping cart on this site or call MoonTree Studios at (574) 935-1712 (Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST) to pay by credit card.

Q. Why was the experience that I wanted to participate in cancelled?

A. So that we can offer a wide variety and the “best” of 2D and 3D art, Prairie Arts & Spirituality experiences, some MoonTree Studios Facilitators travel from afar, so we ask you to register well in advance. If there are not enough participants registered, we must cancel the experience and release the facilitator from their contract to travel here.

Q. I’d like to learn more about a particular art process, but I don’t see anything like it listed on here on the MoonTree site, Can you help me?

A. MoonTree Studios is interested in preserving the folk arts as well as providing experiences in little-known art techniques. Feel free to suggest new experiences that you are interested in. Use the “Contact Us” tab on this website.

Q. I’d like to donate to MoonTree Studios—can I do that on the site?

A. Click on “Donate” in the drop down Quick Links Menu at the bottom of the home page.

Q. I’d like to volunteer at MoonTree Studios—be a docent, assist with special events, or help with the outdoor environment. How can I learn more about opportunities to volunteer?

A.  Click on the “Get Involved” in the drop down Quick Links Menu at the bottom of the home page, then fill out the Volunteer form and click “submit”. We will contact you!